30 Seconds To Mars: Walk On Water

It all started when I got a message from a friend who works as a PA in Los Angeles. She was working on a top secret project with Jared Leto. As a matter of fact, she was messaging from Jared Leto's house at that very moment. 

Some of you may know him from obscure films like Suicide Squad and Fight Club, but real OGs like myself know him as Jordan Catalano from My So-Called Life

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In addition to acting, Jared Leto is the frontman of the band 30 Seconds To Mars.  Jared was directing an "untitled project" that was either a music video, a documentary, or a feature length film. That's a lot of different things. 

The goal of the project was to document life in America on the 4th of July. People across the country could upload their video and submit using a hashtag, but they were actually sending out crews to people who seemed to have compelling stories. Our story was that off a tall and lovable, extremely attractive giant who fell in love with an equally awesome (yet considerably shorter) man. 

Finally, I have a chance with Jordan Catalano.
— Deandre The Thirsty Giant

Before I knew it, we'd put together a spur of the moment 4th of July party at a roller rink. We invited all of our friends, and some actual pro roller skaters, and let the camera roll. 

Here's a cut of the video featuring my responses. Get into my USA onesie!

As you can probably tell, we had a damn good ( and sweaty)  4th of July. 

They day after filming, I got a text from my friend. "Jared just saw y'alls footage! he thinks it's great!"

And that, my friends, is how I became best friends (in my mind) with Jared Leto. 

I love this man so much.
— jared leto, probably

Check out the full video by 30 Seconds To Mars! It's a good one :)

Much love,

DeAndre Upshaw